On a previously quiet Saturday in June 5 new children suddenly descended upon the Miriam Infant Home. Three of them were siblings, Jonatas (8 years old), Giovana (6) and Sandrinha (4) and they were not there of their own free will! They were brought to the Miriam Home by the juvenile authorities because there was an abusive situation going on in their home. The children arrived scared and sad; they really only wanted one thing - their mom!
The first nights were cried to sleep and more than once their days involved impromptu attempts to go home on their own. There were huge challenges for both the Miriam Home staff and three little ones who really couldn’t understand why they were taken from their family.
It is difficult for children to believe you want to help them when they don’t realize that the treatment they receive at home is not “normal”. It is more difficult to see the children step back into the same family when you’re not sure the situation has changed (the authorities returned Jonatas, Giovana and Sandrinha to their family two weeks later). It would be nearly an impossible job if not for God’s grace! By His grace we know that the power for the children’s healing is His Spirit - Spirit that is not limited by geography, family lines or the power of any earthly authority. By His grace we know that He loves these three children more than any person alive, and He put them in our hands to bless them. By His grace we believe that He will continue the good work that He began in the Miriam Home. By His grace we wait for the next Saturday surprise!