O.K., in ten days we have gone from a very queit home with three children living here and often only one present at any given moment to a veritable zoo with ten children, three under 2 years of age! Last week-end two young ladies joined our ranks. Adriana, 16 and Deborah, 11 joined the Miriam Home ranks. We are so very happy to have them, but heartbroken that they needed to come. Both have been abused for a long period of time by both the older brother and father. The physical hurt they have endured is hard enough, but the impact the abuse has had on their
minds, emotions and spirits is simply devistating. Please pray for both of the girls. There is little to nothing left of child in Adriana - she looks closer to 25 than to 16. Deborah is the exact opposite, she looks like the child she is, but she is a shell that has yet to crack - she never uses more than two or three words at one time. Both of these precious girls needs God's healing! In the picture Deborah is in pink on one end and Adriana is in green on the other end.

Now for the good news (sort 0f)! The babies are on their way home! Yes, that means to here =). We got a call this afternoon, the judge decided to remove Altieres and Thavildy from their mom. We are sure at this moment why. Suraia (administrator of the Miriam Home) and I visited them in their home last Tuesday and even though there was a lot to be concerned about (primarially the extreme poverty) both babies appeared healthy and their mom had stopped drinking - our biggest concern. At this moment we don't know if there were problems we didn't know about but we will certainly find out soon.
Summary - boredom is not a big factor around here!
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